14 How To Treat Gums That Are Swollen Naturally

swollen gums is a problem of mouth disorders that often occurs in some people besides cavities. Swollen gums as the name suggests is a condition in which there is swelling of the gums. Even in some cases, swollen gums occur in large sizes to cover the teeth. Even because of the swollen gums, the cheeks appear to stand out.

Swollen gums even though they look trivial, are in fact painful and make it illfeel. Even though it's not a tooth that hurts, it's still very painful if you use it to chew it. Want to eat, but you can't, even though you're hungry, you have to eat porridge or even keep hungry. So the pain can even beat up to the head. The subject isn't really good.

Swollen gums can occur to anyone indiscriminately. What's the cause? See below.

Causes of swollen gums

The accumulation of coral or signposts on the teeth.
Generally, the cause of the gums is swollen due to plaque which is the remnants of food that is left behind long ago and is not immediately cleaned. Over time the remaining food that is not immediately cleaned will accumulate and cause tartar and cause the gums to swell. Saliva which contains minerals instead will help the remaining food harden and the tartar formed becomes hard or sedimentation.

The accumulation of plaque on the gums which accumulates in large and long amounts can cause inflammation called gingivitis. Gingivitis is also a disease of the gums.

Tooth with holes
Teeth that are hollow because the germs can also penetrate to the gums and cause the gums to swell.

Affected by viruses or fungi
When you do not regulate the food that enters your mouth, it is not impossible that you also put a virus or fungus into your own mouth.

Error installing accessories on teeth
Installation of dental accessories such as false dentures or stirrups can also cause gum swelling.

When you already have swollen gums and want to get well soon, you can try to treat your own swollen gums and of course it's safe and effective.

How to treat swollen gums

It is common knowledge that salt is commonly used if there are health problems in the teeth. Salt can be used as a way to treat effective tooth gums. High sodium can eradicate bacteria that cause plaque or tartar. Salt becomes a natural antiseptic that smells of your oral health. Add 2 tablespoons of salt to a glass of warm water. Stir until dissolved. Use it as a mouthwash every time you finish brushing your teeth so that the bacteria can be eradicated thoroughly.

Acid in lemon functions as a natural alkali so that pH levels in the mouth are balanced. Besides lemon is also an effective antibacterial to eradicate bacteria that cause cavities. Lemon can also be a natural way of treating swollen gums due to cavities. Squeeze 1 lemon, put in a glass of warm water. Use it to rinse 3 times a day so that the bacteria is completely gone.

As with lemon, lime is also effective for eradicating bacteria in the mouth so that oral health is maintained. Squeeze 2 lime fruit, mix with a glass of warm water and use it to rinse.

The sour taste in wuluh starfruit is useful as an antibacterial which is of course effective in eradicating bacteria in your mouth. The trick is to finely mash 2 immature starfruit seeds. The collision of this star fruit is then applied to the affected part of the tooth.

Guava leaves
Guava leaves also proved to be useful as an antibacterial that is useful for maintaining oral health. In addition, guava leaves effectively deflate swollen gums because they contain strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. All you need to do is chew the guava. Or boil guava leaves with a glass of water then use it to rinse.

Red onion

Shallot contains natural antiseptic which effectively kills germs. The trick is to finely mash 1 clove of red onion with tsp salt and paste it on the aching tooth.

Garlic with red onion is useful as a natural antiseptic. The trick is to finely mash 1 clove of garlic with tsp salt and paste it on the aching tooth.

Tamarind is also one of the next natural ingredients that can be used as a natural antiseptic. The trick is to roast the tamarind seeds and paste them on the affected tooth

Cloves are also one of the many natural ingredients that can treat swollen gums. The trick is to finely mash the cloves and then stick to the aching tooth.

Pepper is useful as a way to treat swollen gums because it contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. The trick is to mix pepper and salt, pour a little water into a paste, then apply it to the aching tooth

Lemongrass can also be a way to treat swollen gums. You do this by boiling 2 stalks of lemongrass with a glass of water. Then leave it until the water is reduced by half. Then use it to gargle

There is an antibacterial content that functions to suppress bacteria in the mouth. The trick is to grate 1 ginger fruit. Then squeeze the water. Use ginger juice to gargle.

Distance sap
Distance sap contains high antiseptic, antibacterial and antibiotic. The trick is to drip the sap of distance on the aching tooth.

coconut water
Coconut water is also useful as a natural antiseptic. Gargle with natural coconut water after brushing your teeth.

When you have done the 14 ways above, but your gums are still swollen and even suppurating, immediately go to the dentist to get serious and appropriate treatment.